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How many AI startups are in the Y Combinator Winter 2024 cohort?

The Y Combinator Winter 2024 cohort has 86 AI startups, according to YC’s official startup directory — nearly double the number from the Winter 2023 batch and close to triple the number from Winter 2021. Call it a bubble or overhyped, but clearly, AI is the tech of the moment.

How many AI companies are in Y Combinator 2022?

Nearly a fifth of total global venture funding from August to July came from the AI sector, according to CrunchBase. And the voraciousness is manifesting in this summer's Y Combinator cohort, which features over double (57 versus 28) the number of AI companies compared to the winter 2022 batch.

How many startups are in Y Combinator's new batch?

It's that time of year again: the week when startups in Y Combinator's latest batch present their products for media -- and investor -- scrutiny. Over the next two days, roughly 217 companies will present in total, a tad smaller than last winter's 235-firm cohort as VC enthusiasm suffered a slight slump.

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